Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Heart Tablescapes

If you work in retail, you know that those first few days after Thanksgiving can be crazy. Even in a boutique setting, where Black Friday sales and early hours are not the norm, you have a real possibility of huge crowds and great sales. This past week, we received a container from India and shipment of accessories. I thought that Friday would be really quiet, offering me the opportunity to get boxes unwrapped and tagged, so I opened the store at noon (which allowed me time to hit a few Black Friday sales myself!). Much to my surprise, folks were knocking on the door quite early. 

Somehow, I found time to get two of the tables done and I am so happy with how they turned out. I have two more to finish and will post pictures when they are done. 

God is so good to bless me with the responsibility of running my little shop.

 The traditional red and green table. Shades of red and green compliment each other so nicely when paired with silver, white, and lots of mirrored reflective surfaces. It is a crisp, clean look that is sure to please!

The blue and green table. This color combo is a trend that I don't see leaving us anytime soon. Pair this look with silver accents and unexpected textures like the reclaimed teak table.


  1. beautiful!!! i love the red and green together! if only i had bigger space and bigger budget! ;)

  2. Emily - you can make this look work in any size room and with little to no money. I'll post some thrifty ideas next week :)


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