Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where Y@?

More appropriately, where have I been? Well... I have been busy with the things of life. But that is no excuse.

I have found life here in New Orleans to be quite a challenge. It is really hot and humid. The bugs are everywhere. And I have yet to find a piece of furniture to work on. Not that I have been motivated. It is too hot to really work on any furniture right now. I imagine that I will have to work extra hard during the cool months and build up an inventory for the hot times.

Until then, money needs to be made. I have taken a job managing a funky cool furniture store and while it is hard to work a 9-5 retail job, I am thankful for it. There are a lot of folks out there with no job.

We have made lots of friends here in NOLA. I have found one that, like myself, has a passion for crafty things. She told me today that I should not be staying away from my blog. Instead I should use this time to be expressive and get creative juices flowing.

We did do fun things before the heat hit us, and have even done a few since it hit like taking my aunt sightseeing when she came to visit.

Something creative that is flowing right now is the desire to finish the baby shower projects that were started last weekend at a shower I gave for a friend. We made a cute mobile out of pretty paper and bamboo. I will assemble it this week and post a photo.

 Friend's shower - I am in green :)

Until then, I do promise that I will post more often.


1 comment:

  1. awwww...she is a great new friend!

    have a great night!



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