Monday, February 22, 2010

Finishing what you start

We have been so busy packing and selling and today I hit a wall. I couldn't put one more thing into one more box. It is killing me to pack up our life into boxes, but I know I have to do it. I know that once we get to New Orleans and I unpack everything, I will be happy, but this is so tough. (OK, so I started this 3 days ago, and forgot about it until this morning...)

Last night we had our going away party. Such great memories to carry to NOLA.

Yesterday, in an attempt to delay more packing and cleaning, I finished a mirror! It turned out so great. It almost looks like driftwood. At our after party, I was excited to show it off. It helps to distract the fact that our place is so empty... more packing today :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Meet Molly

Molly is sweet as anything. I was so happy to work on this project as a distraction to all of the packing and selling we are doing. Craigslist has been such a blessing.I hope you love her. I sure do :) Happy days are here again. I can hear the birds singing...

Thanks to Liz in NOLA for purchasing Stella. I am so excited for her to be delivered to you. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sometimes, life is funny that way

Happy Valentine's Day, folks :) I was hoping for a romantic weekend this year with my sweet, sweet husband. But instead, we are packing and listing unwanted goods on eBay and Craigslist. Two weeks and counting until we move.

Even if we didn't have the move, my poor husband is sick... my... how romantic :(

He did manage to purchase two books I have wanted for some time now, "Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire" by Mireille Guiliano and "The Art of Handmade Bread" by Dan Lepard.

I hope you all have a great day with your sweetie too!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Something Old, Something New

We are moving to New Orleans in 19 days. I cannot believe we are about to uproot our entire life and start a new one together. There are so many things to be happy about. There are so many things to sad about. I am not sure I will ever make the kind of friends like I have here in Boston. For 12 years P & A have been like a family to me...a surrogate brother and sister. I know that no new friends will ever replace these dear old ones, and I hope that gives them peace. Their six children have been a niece and nephews for me. I love them like my own and cannot wait until they are old enough to visit Auntie Michelle, who, much like Monica Bing, will "always have gum"... I hope they will always feel my love for them, no matter how far apart we and five :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

What I Like About You

There is a whole cyber-world out there full of products to turn your house into a home. You can surf your way from a bare room to an entirely decorated and stylish spot in a matter of minutes. With all of the choices out there, it can get overwhelming. Not to mention, you want to make decisions based on sustainability and conscience. You want to be able to transact with the designer of your carefully selected goods.

This is why I love Etsy. You can shop knowing that your purchase is handcrafted (or vintage in some cases). I love the purchases I have made on Etsy, and get complements all the time on how unique my jewelry is. My husband made a revolutionary comment last night at dinner. He said that if we all chose daily to buy products made in the US, we could turn this economy around. Yeah, you heard it here first. My husband gave his permission for me to make an Etsy purchase every day!! Off I go....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Topical Conversation

My husband asked me this morning how anyone could possibly blog every morning. Well... since I have not been blogging every morning, I told him I have no idea. That said, this is my exact purpose. To blog every morning... ok - at least more often!!

Today's topic - auctions. If you have never been, find one in your area and go! Do not be intimidated by the process. Do not be intimidated by dealers around you that will no doubt outbid you. You will get used to the energy and become a part of it. You will see those windows of opportunity to purchase something unique and maybe rare for a fraction of its value. Last week I purchased this most garish looking metal lamp that I am so excited to transform into something sleek and stylish. Happy bidding :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

About that

So... I have been so super busy packing and working that I have not even taken time to notice that I have actually been fortunate enough to have been featured on a design blog.

About that procrastination business... I cannot believe it has almost been a month since I last entered a post. I apologize to anyone out there reading this... basically I mean you, Karen :)

I am so excited to move to New Orleans, but there is so much to do!!! This week I am planning my husband's trip there next week for his job interviews. He is also looking at houses for us to rent until we get there and look for one to buy.

I am also designing the re*du brochure that hubby is going to send to the interior design companies in New Orleans. There is so much to be done... but it the best hard work I have ever done.

I also have a brand new dresser over at my etsy shop. Her name is Stella. See... I have New Orleans on the brain :)
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